Are you concerned that many of our elected officials care more about politics or their big donors than the common good or the public interest? We’ve had enough of “business as usual” politics, and we’re going to change it. We invite you to join us in the Michigan Democracy Initiative to grow grassroots democracy across Michigan, and build a politics that works well for everyone.

Contact [info email] for more information.

BOX to the Side of above paragraph:

“Meetings Every other Thursday, next meeting is _____”

“6:30 for new member orientation, 7pm for regular meeting.”

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Mission Statement

To democratically organize people throughout Michigan to work for the common good, towards our mutual interests in growing a society of strong, resilient, collaborating communities.



To cultivate an economic system that is fair and equitable for all.

To support our communities with or without government assistance.

To promote legislation that requires a democratic process at all levels of government.

To make participation in the political process as easy as possible for as many as possible.

To elect MDI aligned candidates to every office in Michigan: party, local, state, and federal.

To grow a democratic culture that values diversity, inclusion, fairness, transparency, and justice.